A Visit to One of China’s Most Popular Tea Shops, Nayuki Tea

Nayuki (奈雪的茶) is one of the top tea brands in China, along with Hey Tea(喜茶). In this video, Kejie visits a Nayuki store in Guangzhou and shares a bit about the brand, its products, and why it is popular among young Chinese consumers.

Nayuki’s Latest Cup Art Campaign for 520

While Hey Tea is known for its cross-collaborations with other brands, Nayuki is better known for its collaborations with artists. During the recent 520 Chinese Valentine’s Day holiday, Nayuki released a BIG HUGS collection with American artist Christopher David Ryan (CDR), featuring limited-edition cups and merch with the artist’s designs on them.

Nayuki also launched an H5 site in WeChat and upload a photo to make their own BIG HUG portrait which of course they could share or download.

Past artist collaborations include Pepe Shimada, who specializes in drawing kitten cartoons and Cinyee Chiu, a popular illustrator.

Read more:「奈雪CUP美术馆」,文化力正在成为品牌竞争的关键|SocialBeta专访

Lauren Hallanan

Lauren Hallanan is the Founder of China Marketing Insights and a Chinese social media marketing consultant, writer, and speaker focusing on influencer marketing, live streaming, social commerce, and the rise of Chinese domestic brands. She’s the co-author of the Amazon bestselling book Digital China: Working with Bloggers, Influencers, and KOLs, a Forbes Contributor, and host of the China Marketing Podcast.

China Marketing Insights

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