The China Marketing Pulse: July Edition

Hi everyone and welcome back to another edition of The Pulse, where I share a collection of noteworthy China marketing campaigns and content trends.
I cover quite a few topics in this July episode including:
- Trending domestic travel destination in Ningxia nicknamed “China’s Route 66” and “China’s Morocco”
- The massive growing demand for edible Bird’s Nest and the two brands that ranked 1 and 2 in Taobao’s Pharmaceuticals category during this year’s 618 shopping festival
- My tips for how brands can leverage the super popular reality show “Sisters Who Make Waves”
- Some examples of how brands besides Perfect Dairy are using private traffic
- Nayuki Tea’s very transparent food safety article
- A great example of how brands can be leveraging the fan economy done by C-beauty brand Colorkey
- How top live streamer Viya is expanding her presence to other social platforms such as Douyin and Xiaohongshu and capturing people’s hearts
I filmed videos to go along with this episode and provide more visuals. I have linked to the ones that are already published and as we edit the rest of them I will continue to link them up here!