Not on Bilibili yet? Here’s why your brand should consider it

Bilibili. It’s a platform that brands know they should get on, but they are reluctant (or maybe too intimidated?) to pull the trigger. Why’s that? The user culture is strong here, more so than most other Chinese social media and video sharing platforms. It’s where all the subcultures go, the ACG nerds, the artists, the content creators that don’t want to make cliche 15-second dancing videos. Get your campaign right and your ROI will be super high, get it wrong and you will be scorned and mocked.
To help you get a better grasp, today I brought Miro Li back on the podcast to give us an overview of Bilibili, dig into what makes it unique and share how and why brands should be using it.
Chinable Academy Bilibili 101 Course
Special Discount Code for listeners: BILI20
Guest: Miro Li
LinkedIn | WeChat: Miro509